The Gym
The Bay Area Bodybuilding Academy offers the perks of a full-service gym combined with the convenience of an intimate and personalized training experience. We make our space available exclusively to a group of vetted independent personal trainers, so you don’t have to spend time waiting for equipment or working around inexperienced or inconsiderate patrons.

Cable Crossover Pulley
Selectorized Lat Pulldown, Seated Row, & Triceps Pushdown
Hammer Strength Isolateral Incline Press, Row, & Leg Press
Leg Extension & Prone Leg Curl
Assisted Pull Up/Dip
Hack Squat & Smith Machine
Boxing & Martial Arts Equipment
Barbells, Squat Racks, & Bumper Plates
Dumbbells 2-200 lbs
Glute & Hamstring Developer
Battle Ropes, Medicine Balls, & Kettle Bells
Rowing Machine, Assault Bike, Spin Bike, Treadmill, & Stepmill
Showers & Towels
and more…